Thursday, August 30, 2012

A little support please

 Last night as I lay awake in bed, miserable because it was so hot and humid and our 150 year old house has no airconditioning, I decided today I would do something productive. Something blog-worthy even.  So I was super excited this morning when I woke up and it was a wonderous 62 degrees instead of the low 90s it has been lately. First order of business, take the poor dog for a walk. It's been a few days and he has been relatively patient, but I opened my eyes to this...

 I guess he was done being patient. We were inerrupted about halfway through our normal route by a baby skunk who decided he wanted to play with us.  Bosco was thrilled! Me, yeah no.  So we turned around and came home. Next order of business, the garden. I'm growing my vine plants (butternut, honeydew, etc. ) up and over an archway I made from a cattle fence panel. It works fabulously to keep the vines from sprawling out into the lawn and it also keeps them from getting moldy so close to the ground. However, once the fruits start growing, they have to be supported or they become too heavy for the vine and fall off. Can't have that.  It was time for me to find a way to support a few butternuts. My internet/pinterest research concluded the best way to support the fruit, while still allowing it to grow and breathe, is to put it inside the leg of an old pair of panty hose. Genius!! So I cut up a pair I've had in my drawer forever and headed out to the garden. Mission accomplished, but.....
I swear I'm not 12, but I couldn't help but giggle at the newly supported butternut.  I can only imagine how they will look as they get even bigger. I'm so easily amused.

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